What is the Bus Fare in Vantaa?
The bus fare in Vantaa are on pay per ride basis. It costs EUR € 4 for a ride on the bus for an adult. Here, card options are available too for frequent commuters.
What is the Bus Fare for Child in Vantaa?
The bus fare for Child in Vantaa is around EUR € 2 for a ride on the bus. You can also estimate the charges of your travel with our mini calculator.
What is the Bus Fare for Sr Citizens Vantaa?
The bus fare for Sr Citizens in Vantaa is EUR € 4. Please check for the card options availability for frequent commuters.
What is the Bus Fare for Disabled in Vantaa?
The bus fare for disabled in Vantaa is EUR € 4.
Are card options available for Bus in Vantaa?
Yes, Travel Card is available in Vantaa which is useful to get daily, monthly and annually passes according to the commuter.
How to calculate a bus fare in Vantaa?
To calculate a bus fare in Vantaa, please enter start and end destinations in the control and then click on Calculate Fare button.
What are the bus passes available for Adults?
For adults, daily pass come in EUR €8, weekly pass for EUR €32, monthly pass for EUR €59.7, quarterly pass for EUR €164.7 and annual pass for EUR €637.2.
What are the bus passes available for Students?
For Student, monthly pass for EUR €32.8, quarterly pass for EUR €90.4 and annual pass for EUR €349.6.
What are the bus passes available for Sr Citizens?
For sr citizens, monthly pass for EUR €29.9, quarterly pass for EUR €82.1 and annual pass for EUR €317.
What are the bus passes available for Disabled?
For disabled, monthly pass for EUR €29.9, quarterly pass for EUR €82.1 and annual pass for EUR €317.